The Health profile in Tuscany (ottobre 2014)
Brief description of Tuscan demography and life styles
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- Residents are 3.692.828 in 2012: with 31.126 births and 43.456 deaths. Births and fertility are low
- Life expectancy at birth is increasing, it is one of the highest in Italy and in the world. Life expectancy is higher for women than for men. For the last 30 years life expectancy of the Tuscan population has been growing (+11.8% for M and +7.8% for F). Life expectancy at birth is higher for women: 84.8 years vs 80.1 for men
- Life expectancy at the age of 65 is high and growing. Increase in demented (97,600 in 2020) and disabled (85,600 in 2020) elderly people. Increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases and disability. Women live longer but have more health problems
- Foreigners are 9.5% (350,761) and increasing
- General mortality is constantly and progressively decreasing, and it is always lower than the Italian average. Infant and maternal mortality is decreasing and it's always lower than the Italian average
- Incidence (number of new cases) of tumors is in line with the Italian average. Mortality is decreasing because care and prevention are improving, more than in Italy: survival is improving but prevalence (number of cancer-deseased people) is increasing
- Stomach cancer incidence and mortality are high (due to diet and genetics). Female breast and colon-rectum cancer incidence is high, but mortality is low (Breast, uterus, colon-rectum) screening has better indicators than in Italy
- Smoker’s profile is similar to the Italian one. 23% of smokers are adults (about 750.000). Girls (14-19) smoke more than boys, and the number is increasing. Smoke-related mortality is decreasing, especially in males
- Alcohol consumption is more regular (above all wine). Adults drink more than in the rest of Italy, but above all during meals. Youths fit with national and international patterns (drinking at weekends, more binge drinking, not at meals, on social occasions)
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